A Short Story for and Velcro and Other Tacky Stories
(c) copyright 2009, Shundra L. Moore, all rights reserved
Identity is who's we are! Hell was not made for people. Wrath was not formed for human beings but for fallen angels. Hint: Don't follow them. His displeasure is not towards the righteous. We are made righteous by the blood of Christ Jesus.Reject the Blood of Christ and you reject heaven and all things Spiritual. Spiritual is everything God. How do we reject the Blood of Christ? By trying to be our own sacrifice. He holds us, we do not have the strength to hold on to HIM, unless HE gives us the power. Shout GRACE GRACE as the angelic host do to your mountain of pains that are in this earth.HE laughs at HIS enemies who tried to keep HIS children away from HIM. HE holds us in the palm of HIS hand.
The Rest
I live in a free heaven where we are supposed to be able to express what ever we want. But their are consequences if you call on others to act in a violent manner.
So if you do or say something that is not popular? In a free heaven what are the consequences? Interesting isn't it.
By the way my name is Say Pointer and my twin is Said Pointer. She's even bolder than me. Said is not afraid of boos and banter from people who are childish and haven't decided to let others have their freedom of speech, in a free heaven. By the way.
The fallen should really decide where they want to live. In freedom or in bondage. Some of the fallen ones say we should not correct a human. Just let them die in their sin and go to Hell. That is not love that is hate. Love that is not honest is not love. Its pure psychobabble. If you believe that God has better for someone, tell them. Father God loves us and has more goodness for us than we know.
Confrontation of sin does not have to be hurtful. Or mean and full of hurt.
And that's not my opinion that is my experience. The God I serve has turned me towards him many a time with a funny nudge. That worked far better than any wack on the head with a Bible, or a harsh word spoken in jest. I'm not sorry for telling any fallen that they must leave HIS people alone.
By the way we are stars. Not the abnormal definition of the word. We are the heavenly kind. We are famous you know, really no kidding. We get to shine every day as soon as the sunlight moves on.
In a manner of speaking. The sun doesn't move. I'm smart like that. The human scientist haven't found us yet, but God knows where we are.
The End
Said : Who you talking to?
Say: Don't know really just talking cause we are the famous originals. You know the humans record us all the time. They will find us and take pictures too. So I'm just putting something out there for the record.
Said: I didn't know they spent so much time on us.
Say: sure do they used to chart their positions with us. But now they use satellites. GPS. They are called by the name SETI.
Said: Were you getting all this information from?
Say: satellite TV. And the Internet. They got a billion channels going on at the same time. If you listen close you can hear HBO family. I like the family movies the other horror stuff is made by our enemy so I try to stay away from that.
Said: You ever seen a war. A human one I mean. That is horrible.
Say: Yeah, but its needed right that's what FOX news says there Christian Conservatives aren't those supposed to be the Fathers children.
Said: You really should get another source of information. That's a political affiliation, and not all those who call themselves by His NAME are HIS. HE CALLS and appoints. He IS pleased with many humans who don't call themselves by a political party. But they must believe in the SON of MAN, Jesus and HIS principles to please HIM.
Say O.K. What's your source?
Said: The Father talks louder than satellite TV.