If you use clips from the movie in your group's reprint or republication, be sure to ask Disney Pixar for permission.

1) I think McQueen wanted to change jobs because he saw the all the money and fun that Dynaco gave to its cars. Why do you think he wanted to change jobs?
2)Rusteze is a medicine for the rust on old cars. Have you ever seen a car being restored? Restored means to put something back to its original condition.
3)Do you think McQueen lost the race? Yes. or No. If you answered yes, Why do you think he won? If you answered no. Why do you thing he lost?
4) McQueen was punished for the crime of tearing up the towns road. What does crime and punishment mean?
5) How many times did McQueen get help from Mater? At least twice he taught McQueen lessons. 1) Be yourself and 2) have fun.
For example when he showed McQueen that he could drive backwards he was teaching him that each person has things they can do that no one else can.
The have fun lesson: When he was being naughty and tipped the tractors over by making noise. Even though that was not the best way to teach a have fun lesson. They were doing exactly what McQueen was being punished for, breaking something that belonged to someone else. Why do you think Mater was being naughty?
6) How did each character help McQueen get back in the race?
7) Exercise 1: the whole town helped build the community. Write PIXAR and tell them ways that the movie encouraged you to help your community.
8) McQueen had to get a whole new team because of his harsh jokes. Sometimes words and actions that seem funny to us can hurt someones feelings. Even though they make us laugh these jokes may not be good. Have you ever made jokes that hurt someones feelings? Has anyone ever made jokes that hurt your feelings?
9) What do you think McQueen thought when he said "Under the hood we are all the same?" I think he meant our hearts are basically the same. Meaning people have things that are common to all humanity. What does that mean to you?
10) What do you do when you are scared of crowds of people like mater was of the news cars?
11) Exercise 2: Write PIXAR and tell them what you think about Mater and How he helped McQueen.
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