Thursday, December 31, 2009

First Draft of the Feast

The Feast
A Short Story for and Velcro and Other Tacky Stories
(c) copyright 2009, Shundra L. Moore, all rights reserved

Prologue: Thomas the Helper

Thomas' Narration: People were shoulder to shoulder in the crowd. I could smell a ladies hair spray she must have been standing near me but I couldn't really tell. The guards were not assembled yet so they couldn't beat a path to the podium for me. It seemed to take me forever but I finally reached it. The priests looked hostile today. The governors were seated along the back row. The priest were seated also but unlike the governors they dressed in their formal temple garments.

I don't know why, but everything seemed out of place to me. James called a feast and I was his helper so I had to help even if it killed me. I guess that's why the people were jittery too. I was always the comic relief so I needed to look on the bright side to keep myself calm. I'm Thomas, if you're reading this it means that I'm dead. Or soon will be. Hopefully I'm just deathly ill and I need some time to recover.

Continued: But that's beside the point. I'm writing this letter so that I will be known to all in the universe. Well, not really. I just don't want to be forgotten. I don't have children and very little to leave to them monetarily if I had them. Just a few words of wisdom that have kept me alive on a cut throat planet were the people worship the law of the king and don't know what God's love has to do with anything.

It's not the physical violence that is our problem here. The killing is all very nice, polite and very enlightened. Words spoken in secret rooms behind closed doors or on paper notes sealed with red wax. They can be passed under lace covered tables of high society or thrown in the cell of the poorest prisoner. They reach far and can hurt the mind. Believe me, I've felt the bite of sinister words. They work better than daggers.


Thomas: James decided to be fashionably late. I expected you about thirty minutes ago.

James: James answered me but he was winded from the pace of his steps. I know my friend, I was delayed. Three men were sentenced to death for killing a famous magistrates children while they slept in their beds. You would know him if I dropped a name. We carried out the sentence immediately to avoid a riot.

Thomas: I would like to talk more my king about the days visits, but we are behind schedule. I rushed him because we were running behind. I didn't want to give that trial another thought. It made my stomach turn. It was uncommon for us to talk about our crime ridden planet, so I didn't want to start a trend. Quickly James, I think everyone is nervous about the Harvest Feast. We should hurry and you should wear the wireless microphone. The dust won't mess up the transmission.

James: Can everyone hear me.

Most in The Crowd: Yes! We can hear you fine.

Thomas Narrator: I was scanning the crowd for the guards. I saw only a few in place. Looked like five to one. For this early in the day I guess that was good. Maybe they implemented the plain clothes program that I put forward at the last council meeting. But I had to find the others before the meal. The ratio made me uneasy.

James: First with a few preliminaries for the community of priest. You should prepare yourselves for the high priest has relayed a message to me. No priest can handle the holy things until they have gone through the process of consecration. We are all familiar with this consecration it is long and difficult but we all know why it is in place. Because of the physical challenges. Secondly, The council has made a few important changes to the law.

Crowd: Rumbling and Murmuring

The Guard

Thomas Narration: I could see the sweat running down our kings forehead. My king has been my best friend since childhood. He has a lifetime appointment, much like our judges. He knew some people worshiped the law and had long since forgotten the reason for it. We who believe in the True God know that this is not the way to live. Not here on Zumnon. Its too brutal. The wind like the people could be harsh.

But we who call ourselves by God's name have neglected our own duties and not lived a Godly life above ground, as opposed to underground. James was a righteous king and the day was wearing on him. The execution of those criminals must have been trying. But like me he chose to be a part of the remnant. This means we had to act as callous others not of our fold, but have a soft heart to the workings of Our God.

Thomas Narration: It was hot and humid today but I knew his sweat was not sweat from heat. A crowd similar to this one killed our Lord Jesus on the planet earth. We both knew that the servant is no better than his master according to the 66 books that we now call the Great Writings. An earth astronaut left us these to the remnant before he left. But that was some time ago.

Member of Crowd: Thomas, Thomas Stop your daydreaming. I need to speak to you. Come here and let me tell you how you're going to save the kings life.

Thomas: What!

Member of Crowd: You heard me. If our king is going to do what I think he's going to do. His life will be forfeit.

Thomas: I don't know who you are or how you got so close to me. But the king can handle himself.

Member of Crowd: I know you were wondering where the guards are. You've read the Great Writings. And you are familiar with the kings of old. And I know you are a member of that group. The remnant, you call yourselves.

Thomas: I lost my temper this time. I grabbed the strangers arm and pulled him off to the side of the dais. I don't know how you so much about me.

Member of Crowd: So you deny that you are a Christian?

Thomas: That is not what I said! I asked you a question. How do you know so much about me. And I don't even know your name.

Member of Crowd: Well I'm a guard you see. And we know things. It's our job to know things without other people knowing us.

Thomas: Look I'm sorry I grabbed you. But I really need to get back to my job.

Plain Clothes Guard: And what would that be. Thomas the helper. That's who you're known as correct. Thomas the helper who are you helping?

Thomas: I don't know what you mean?

Plain Clothes Guard: The king told you about the murder and the conviction that happened today while you were helping. Did he not?

The Plain Clothes Guard: So we both understand the base level of human nature. Especially when it is not submitted to God. I have heard that the remnant makes their main focus the Love of God. And you try not to waste too much time talking about our shortcomings. As a result you are supposed to spend more time turning towards a Loving God. You apologize and repent without being aware of it. Because your consciousness is saturated with His Love for us. Not our Loving acts towards Him. Yes I've heard it all before. But there is one thing I have against your group Thomas. You think your Master just left those Great Books to you don't you. All a very by invitation only crowd you are.”

Thomas: You're speaking to the choir stranger. Or do you plan to give a message at temple next week.

Plain Clothes Guard: Never you mind about me my son. You and your king will have a challenge today. Your friend the king has been lied to. I hope your Loving God will show up for you.

Thomas: This guy gave me the creeps. I started praying because I knew I needed to show no fear. This fear attracts our spiritual enemies. And I needed to be strong today. The additions to the civil law will happen today. And I did not need this today the day was stressful enough. I glanced up and saw my king looking for me.

The guard walked away from me and mingled with the dissatisfied crowd. In mid stride he yelled back. “My name is ksam”. He didn't look like he was really trying to protect “our” king. I knew some mixed the civil law with spiritual law to create an idol they assume to be our Loving God. And the new ones who worshiped no God but themselves actually built a new temple. They met more times a week than we did. Our Master embodies approval and love for all human kind. But I had second thoughts about His love for them. This guard must have been with the new ones.

James: I always knew I had a friend in Thomas. I nervously looked towards the last place I saw him. He wasn't there. I looked back to my notes that Thomas always typed up, and neatly placed on my podium. Where on earth could he be? The crowd was getting unfriendly, and I haven't even started the reading of the law. The guards may need to be called.

The Reading of the Civil Law

James speaking to the crowd: Please don't be alarmed, the additions to civil laws this year are rigid but necessary. No human rights will be withdrawn. No civil rights will be taken away just added to. The vote on the council was 400 to 87. With 13 deciding not to vote.

Thomas motions a Bishop off the dias:
The king continued to try to calm the crowd down. He left his notes entirely for just about 10 minutes. He was long winded anyway.

Thomas: Helkias over here. I need to talk to you for a minute. Do you know a guard named Sam. He just threatened me. Implying that the guards lied to the king and decided not to show up.

Helkias: Yes I know him that's a good man. You must have gotten the conversation wrong because you're nervous about today's ceremonial feast. Don't do something you will regret later. Like pose a challenge. I know you well enough Thomas.

Thomas: I didn't misunderstand I tell you. He said the guards were going to challenge the king today. They plan a cue or something. I just know it.

Helkias: You know it is within the law for him individually or as a group to challenge the king or you for that matter.

Thomas: Yes I know that Helkias, but they plan something fishy. He said I was going to save the kings life, and he was going to tell me how. Or something to that effect. They plan to take his natural life by the means of the old law. I know it. He thinks those murders were innocent.

Helkias: Its the or something that bothers me. He has the right to think what ever he wants to think. But he must abide by the law. Which allows this. You think our king can't handle himself if there is a challenge.

Thomas: Yes of course he can but, he knew things about our meetings and who was their. Namely things about me and our king.

Helkias: So what of it. We all knew that others would find out eventually. No one in the group will deny who they are. And what makes you think he is not a Christian too he worships at temple too. They just are not underground. They are more public they mix with society hoping to change it that way.

Thomas: Yes, yes, I see your point but why did he tell me that our king has been lied to. And why tell me in the first place.

Helkias: Maybe the whole conversation was Spiritual and he was testing you.
Thomas: What!

Helkias: You heard me, and we're missing the additions to the law. I need to get back to my post.

Thomas: We need to sit near each other at the meal so we can finish this.

Helkias: You mean so you can get rid of a fictitious threat. You know that Father God frowns on acting like the world that we are a part of. We are in this world but not of it. Remember the text Thomas don't do something you will regret later. Remember the government is given a sword. And you, with no concrete knowledge are planning to challenge a arm of this civil sword. Don't get carried away by your ambitions.

Thomas: I have no ambitions. I just want to check this source of his. To see if it is true. Who did the lying to our king.

Helkias: Unfortunately lying is not a crime unless you lie under oath. And again I don't want to spend hours going back over the additions to the law. Hopefully I haven't missed much. I'm gone now. Talk to you later.

Thomas Narration: As he was walking away I heard him murmur a prayer of salvation for me. I heard that! I said, hopefully just loud enough for him to hear. Wait were not finished with our little talk Helkias.

Helkias: No Thomas. I have a job to do. I'll talk to you later at the meal. If this is serious I'll start an investigation.

James from the Podium: Now that everyone is all settled down. We can continue to overview the amendments to the civil rights laws the 5th section of Basic law 2. Will state: All men and women shall have the right to marriage.

Basic law 1 shall remain unchanged except for the addition of women and no god at all. It states as follows: All men and women shall have the right to freely worship God, as they see fit, or no god at all.

Crowd: What do you mean no god at all king James. A shout from the crowd. “Yeah, how can you worship no god.”

James: I don't have time to go into the details here. I will try to explain in the notes that will be published in the newspaper and restated in temple, as usual. Because the most important change has not been stated yet.

The Crowd: Laughter and Grumbling. We trust you king James you don't have to sweat so much. No one plans to challenge you today.

James: Well thank you for that word of encouragement. James nervously smiled.
I will continue with the reading of the changes to the law as is our custom. Basic law number 12 is changed completely. It reads as follows: All people of all caste levels will be able to vote on the new laws and amendments to older ones, regardless of religious rank or affiliation.

Thomas: Thomas heard a crowd member yell loudly enough so that the every council member could hear. He was already jumpy. And the out of order interruptions from the crowd didn't help his nerves. He spilled water he was drinking all over himself. It was iced.

Member of Crowd: “This is wrong king James. Some one has convinced you to throw our whole system of justice out of a window.” And you know where I'm headed with that statement. “People of every caste cannot be allowed to vote. Some of them can't even read.”

James: James ignored some of the comment and went to the heart of the statement. In response he said, some of your comment is true. The lower cast have not been allowed to go to temple and get an education. This will also change. I know that there are those of you in our dear system of governance that would strongly object to this change. And at the next vote, which will come three months from today, you will be able to state your grievances.

Crowd: Some members of the lower caste who where in the crowd started a long live the king chant.

Others in the Crowd Shouted: Who will pay for their schooling! They have no money?

James: They will pay for their own education. They will work for those who can pay them a decent wage. But these changes have yet to go through the council. I restate they do not have to be educated to vote. James smiled again. This time not so nervously because the chant was still going on.

Thomas: The bishops were discussing something with an obvious frowns on their faces. Thomas knew that was the last of the additions and started towards the podium to withdraw the king to the feast. But he had to change is robes first this heat was getting to everybody.

The Meal

Thomas Narration: Most of the council had adorned themselves in their finest attire for the meal. There were rows and rows of tables set, mostly council and those of the high caste. A few low caste were invited to the meal. Thomas saw one of the lowest caste members stand. At first it looked as if he was a server. Your caste could be identified for the most part by the color scheme that you wore. The custom had been passed down for generations. So he knew this would mean trouble. The only reason why a lower caste such as this one would address the king without invitation would be a challenge.

Low caste member: My king I challenge you to a duel of wits on the cause that you killed my brother this morning with no just hearing. king James fell silent and went pale.
James: We had solid testimony from the magistrate's son and the man himself. They both said they witnessed three men leaving their residence bloody and running away through a broken door, right before the reading of the Civil Laws.

Low caste member: They Lie. And I have proof. I also have a witness of high esteem. Please come forward.

Thomas saw a tall slender man stand and bid the kings pardon with his stare. He had tears in his eyes that were close to flowing. Thomas recognized the man from the council meetings and from temple. The king who was standing suddenly sat down.

Councilman: I didn't know about the trial until it was too late my king. Please forgive me. I saw the magistrate at temple all day today and then he left for the feast meal. When would he have time to witness who killed his younger children. I never took my eyes off him because he was with someone new. I wanted to welcome them into our fellowship. But they kept at a distance. Almost like he was running from me.

Thomas: Thomas rushed to king James and handed him a cold drink so he could collect his thoughts before he answered. Thomas whispered, “Don't answer quickly my king take your time. You may not be able to avoid a challenge now this is an honest man he has no reason to lie. We know him to be one of your allies. But he has to have a second to finalize the challenge. Thomas withdrew to his normal standing spot.

James: I have no defense, but I will do this. The magistrate and his son by my order, if they are found, will go through the same challenge that I myself may face today. And I will make restitution to their families. They will have what ever they wish in gold.

Helkias: Helkias ran to Thomas and grabbed his hand, who looked as if he was going to interrupt again. Don't do anything else Thomas you will make the king appear weak.

You could hear a pin drop in the room the feast would be suspended and the challenge would start soon. No one wanted the celebration to end before it started. But everyone was looking for the low caste second to step forward. Everyone knew the king had enemies. So they had to take this opportunity to get rid of the king. Thomas already knew who it would be. The guard stood and seconded the motion to challenge the king.

The King's Gammon

Thomas could feel his heart racing. He had seen the king go through seven challenges in the time span of his reign. Four of them were a test of strength. The King had to be priest first before they were to be king. Everything was designed to keep the higher caste in power. All of the higher caste knew. But I knew something the others didn't. James was ready to hand over power to a lower caste that he had hand picked and prepared himself. He did not want the transition to go like this. He didn't even know this man. Was he able physically to withstand another challenger that would be twice his size. Or would he know the law well enough to defend his point. I guess we would all see. The magistrate had made that choice for us. In his grief he might have brought down a kingdom.

The first roll of the die was effortless it would determine who started first and what position they would play on the board the light pieces went first. The king rolled three. The low caste rolled one. The king would play first. He rolled a one and a six and moved his pieces. He didn't fall on any question banners so the turn passed to the lower caste.

He seemed nervous but his hand was steady. I couldn't imagine how this man was feeling. Hate and grief all bundle of mix emotions. Or did he hate my king. I wasn't sure. All things considered he still had the courage to play a life and death game. One of them would die today and I was hoping it wouldn't be his king. There was no talking allowed between the players but each player could have a coach. And one intermission of thirty minutes. Conversation could happen between player and coach. Helkias was the kings coach most times. I don't know who the lower caste would pick for sure probably Sam the guard.

The low caste first move. And the low caste rolled a two and a three. He fell on a question banner.

I read the first question as was my duty. Why does God Speak to Man? The challenger had the opportunity to answer first the Priest would vote on this first question and then it would alternate between the votes of the Priest and the crowd.

The challenger cleared his throat and answered the question with no help from his coach. God speaks to man because he wants to and desires to have a relationship with us.

The king was impressed with the answer and knew that the Priest would be also. So he took his time an thought for a moment. Did he want to get votes or did he want to be remembered for answering from his heart. He had fifteen minutes to answer before he lost points.

They are still playing King's Gammon today. Do you want to play a game?


ISBN-10:1-884543-91-X Glad News! God Loves You My Muslim Friend, Samy Tanagho, pg 9

Hidden Apartheid
Authors: Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, New York University School of Law CHRGJ is directed by Professors Philip Alston, Smita Narula, and Margaret Satterthwaite. Jayne Huckerby is research director. CHRGJ aims to generate substantive, cutting-edge, and sophisticated contributions to human rights research and legal scholarship, and to actively engage in public affairs by making original and constructive contributions to ongoing policy debates relating to human rights.

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