Friday, October 30, 2009

Writing of the Feast

A Grown-Up but clean Personalized Short Story The Feast

In the process of writing a Short Story about Grace vs. Law. Not Gods Limits to Keep us away from evil vs. Gods Power to fulfill the Law of Love. But Gods Power of the Law of Love vs. Man's efforts to please God.

Limits or laws keep our society from anarchy. So they have their place. But when you talk about obtrusive laws that block our ability to practice our religion, just because one religious leader doesn't understand how you worship. Or refuses to love you into a healthy spiritual life because you live outside the limits of God's law. They these so called spiritual leaders negate the power of God.

I'm writing a short story that may turn into a novelette about just this situation. I hope to sell it to my intended audience the broken hearted who have been locked out of the righteous religious system because they do not qualify.

Here is the first Paragraph
Thomas Narrator: People were shoulder to shoulder in the crowd. I could smell a ladies hair spray she must have been standing near me but I couldn't really tell. The guards were not assembled yet so they couldn't beat a path to the podium for me. It seemed to take me forever but I finally reached it. The priests looked hostile today. The governors were seated along the back row. The priest were seated also but unlike the governors they dressed in their formal temple garments.

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